On February 7th, history came to life for grades 1-6! The students have been studying the Civil War, so VCS invited some Civil War re-enactors to our school. More than a dozen Union and Confederate soldiers visited VCS, along with a few civilians from the era. The guests portrayed various roles in the Civil War, including surgeon, members of artillery and infantry units, etc. They had many wonderful props to show us, many of which actually dated back to the war. Some of the artifacts, as well as a couple of our guests, have been in movies made about the Civil War. They shared what life was like back then and what it was like to be a soldier. The VCS teachers even got into the act, each dawning a different costume and giving details about it. The students were able to ask questions after the presentation.
The students and teachers really enjoyed going back in time. This is the 12th year that we have invited these historical guests to our school. The visits enhance our curriculum and the students understanding of the subject matter. Who knows, Abraham Lincoln may even be spotted walking around our hallways!
Mrs. Sue Olson