Students in the STEM program study of the works of God to enable the works of mankind. Math and science are presented with a biblical worldview focusing on God’s creation, Engineering and technology are presented as mirroring the creative nature of God. All STEM classes explore the world by bringing the world into the classroom. Each lesson is built on experiential learning such as analyzing foul shots in a basketball game to form quadratic equations and to jumping into giant balloons to observe and experience changes in momentum.
Students that enroll in the STEM program select a senior project focusing on a real-world problem. Each student or team of students takes a problem through engineering processes, to the implementation of the solutions. High school students can earn twenty university semester credit hours in math and science courses through Eastern Washington University, Northwest Nazarene University and Advanced Placement courses. EWU and NNU credits are transferable to the student’s school of choice. AP gives students the chance to tackle college-level work and earn college credit and placement. Current AP offerings include AP Chemistry, and AP Physics. This will expand to include Biology, Calculus and Environmental Sciences in future years.
Extra-curricular programs such as robotics, Math is Cool and Engineering Club are offered to secondary students and middle school students. Projects include building models of bridges, catapults and robots. Robotics gives students interested in STEM subjects the opportunity to learn and apply their skills in a fun team environment and to compete at annual robotic competitions.