Valley Christian School is a non-profit 501c3 organization with an established self-perpetuating Board of Directors that is made up of both past and present school parents. It has been an independent non-denominational school since 2001. The school utilizes the Carver governance model of policy designed for the Board to oversee the school through the use of ends policies and executive limitations. This enables the Head of School to oversee the day to day operations and policies of the school while operating within the broader boundaries set by the Board. The Board of Directors has a maximum size of seven members with one scheduled meeting per month. More information may be found in the Board Policy Manual found in the school office.
The Valley Christian School Board of Directors has established an administrative structure for the school that consists of one Head Administrator who oversees the VCS Staff and day to day operations of the school. He also serves alongside the principals and is supported by an Administrative Assistant, Business Manager, Athletic Director, Guidance Counselor, Admissions Director and Development Department. Only the Head of School reports directly to the School Board.