For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
VCS offers ways for students to creatively find, and enhance their talents and encourages them to explore who they are through their school years. VCS creates opportunities for more involvement in different areas and allows for students who want a chance to participate to be involved to the best of their ability in different genres of creative expression while being active in other areas of student life. This approach allows for a well rounded education experience.
Music Program
VCS offers Band starting in the 5th grade and weekly music programs partnering with the secondary drama to perform at three well performed concerts each year, Veteran’s Day, Christmas and Spring Concert. Each week students will have the experience to worship during chapel with our student lead worship team, local worship teams or our music instructor.
The worship team is composed of high school students to develop a philosophy of worship, study what worship is and participate and plan regular chapels and other worship opportunities. We hope all students will take advantage of the opportunity to use their voice and talent to glorify God.
Drama Program
![vcs web drama page pic 2](
The VCS Theatre Arts program focuses on establishing a solid foundation of creative communication and performance skills that will enable students to confidently and effectively serve God on all stages of life: in the entertainment industry, in church, within the community, around the business world, and in their homes.
Drama Classes – Students starting in the 7th grade and continuing to 12th grade are encouraged to explore the depths of their creative talents by producing plays, sketches, and speeches for seasonal Fine Arts showcases. They also contribute to the VCS Veterans Day Program and other events.
Extracurricular Drama – Students in this activity compete in the One Act Play Festival. The extracurricular drama team has the opportunity to dedicate more time, focus, and intensity to get the most out of theatre arts training.
Art Program
VCS works to provide creativity and art throughout the curriculum and assignments and teaching plans. Art is integrated in computer classes using current technology to integrate computer technology with simple art programs all the way to video and sound editing.
Art classes in high school and junior high explore different mediums from water color, acrylics, spray paint, oils and computer design while exploring different techniques that challenge the students to step beyond their current abilities and find great success in an unexplored area.
Students in yearbook class work as a team to create a vision for the yearly yearbook with design, creative writing and photography while meeting deadlines and a budget.