Welcome, VCS Families!
We are delighted to partner with you in the education of your children. Whether you know VCS well or are new to our community, rest assured that we are here to support you!
Volunteering Makes a Difference!
In partnership with our dedicated parents, Valley Christian School thrives on the shared gifts, talents, and commitment of our parent volunteers. From the classroom to the boardroom, volunteering plays a pivotal role in shaping every aspect of school life. Engaging as volunteers provides parents with a wonderful opportunity to connect with Valley Christian staff, families, and students!
* To ensure the safety of our students, all volunteers are required to complete a background check before volunteering at the beginning of each school year. To start your background check, please contact the VCS office at office@vcsc.org or (509) 924-9131.
Valley Christian School partners with our families to raise funds to offset the budget needs of the school. Each year we allow for fundraising dollars to help keep tuition affordable for all families being called to send their child to VCS.
Parent Teacher Fellowship
Interested in meeting other parents? PTF is a great way to get connected to the VCS parent community!
Booster Club supports our athletes and our athletic department by instilling school spirit, providing financial resources, coordinating volunteers, and praying consistently for the Valley Christian sports program. Our desire is that every athlete would learn and emulate Christ-like characteristics that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
School Maintenance Projects
Are you handy with tools or have a background in a trade? VCS would love to partner with you! To get and keep our 24-acre campus in tip-top shape, we need volunteer help from our community. Here are some areas we are looking for help with- painting, electrical, plumbing, concrete, and masonry/brickwork. If you would like to learn more about how you can help, please contact the VCS office.
Volunteer in the Classroom
We love having volunteers in our classrooms! If you’re interested in serving in the classroom, please contact your teacher directly.
Financially Support VCS
Looking for where you can donate to VCS? Click here to be taken to our donation page.