On January 24th, the elementary kicked off missions emphasis week with a special chapel. Mrs. Croft introduced the team that traveled to China with her in November. Mr. Allen, the team leader, shared about the need to send missionaries to China because it is second in the world for unreached people groups.
Mr. Fretz showed the students a blank board and then added eyes, nose, lips, and ears and asked students if the board could hear, see, talk, or smell. Then, he told the students about the Wa people who worship idols and asked them to pray for someone to tell them about Jesus. Mrs. Fretz talked about missionary children and the unique challenges they face. Mr. Pesnell told about a beloved, special man in China who is taking great risk to work with the underground church. He challenges all American Christians to, “Go into the world and preach the Gospel.” Lastly, Mrs. Croft spoke about Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village, a ministry to orphans with special needs. She challenged the children to pray for a young woman named Naomi who is a big sister to all of the orphans and wears many hats at SFCV.
Following the initial chapel, teachers taught more about China and prayed for the missionaries in their classrooms. Mrs. Croft visited classrooms to teach the students a little Mandarin Chinese and share some fun items that are unique in Chinese culture.
China recently began enforcing stricter rules, leaving Christians isolated, fearful for their safety, and unable to share their faith with others. Mrs. Croft challenged everyone to continue praying for Chinese Christians, missionaries, orphans, and all Chinese children.