We will not conceal them from their children, But tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.
Psalm 78:4

Valley Christian School’s elementary comprehensive curriculum is biblically integrated and designed to help learners acquire strong academic skill foundations for success in all areas of life.
The primary grades K-3 provide a strong phonics and developmentally appropriate literature base for reading and writing. This emphasis continues through upper elementary with a focus on reading story excerpts and novels in a variety of genres.
Lower elementary introduces math concepts and basic facts which build a solid foundation, preparing students for work in the upper elementary. In the 4th-6thgrades, more advanced applications of math are learned to equip students with a strong math background for pre-algebra, algebra and geometry in junior high and high school programs.
Science and Social Sciences are studied in the context of our modern world and grounded in a solid Biblical Worldview leading to understanding God’s role in history and His created world.
Elective classes, enrichment experiences and field trips are offered throughout the year to fully engage students in addition to lessons being taught in the classrooms.
Panther Attitude
Positive, Attitude, Never Give Up, Thankful, Heart for others, Every day, Respect