Isaac Trigsted is a Freshman at VCS.  In addition to being an outstanding student, Isaac is heavily involved in our drama department.  He was recently invited to perform in New York this summer in front of talent agents from all around the world.  This unique jump-start to his acting dreams and goals came from the International Modeling Talent Association. While he is there in July, he will be able to compete with other talented teens for a chance to land a role or secure an agent of his very own.  He hopes the role is in the next superhero movie, a show on Nickelodeon, or perhaps the Disney Channel.  Isaac has also been recruited by Seattle Talent, who is coaching and training him to audition for professional acting jobs.  He is working diligently on memorizing monologues and scene work and publishing his profile for the public.

Most of you know Isaac, the actor, because you have seen him in one or more of our school productions.  What you may not know, is that he is also a playwright.  This year, at ArtsPalooza, the VCS Drama Department will present a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, which was written by Isaac.  Performances will be held on May 9th and 10th at 6:00PM.  ArtsPalooza will also feature performances by the junior high drama class and VCS Band as well as displays from our science and art classes and robotics club.  Come on out and support the ARTS at VCS!

Isaac would appreciate your prayers as he pursues these endeavors.