Psalms 19 lifts our eyes to the majesty of creation. God’s fingerprints are everywhere, touching every culture and people group around the globe. But, verse 7 reminds us that the Word of God is what converts the soul and makes us wise.
So too, at Christmas time, I hear the carols on my radio and in the stores. The lights fill me with inexplicable joy and anticipation. And oh, the Christmas smells… but these are all pointers along the way to an answer that my soul is longing for. C. S. Lewis said, “I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” Christmas and the beauty of nature awaken a longing in me that makes me realize that not all that matters in life is in the physical realm.
God is in the business of soul-restoration (Ps 23), and I am thankful for the longings that the beautiful Christmas season creates. May we all pursue with diligence the Babe of Bethlehem.
By Cathy Hopson