Even with all the new challenges for an old Hippe, I count it a privilege to be back at VCS teaching Science, Jr. High Boys Bible, and History.

I have lived in five different states and have traveled to Papua New Guinea, Mexico and served as part of three recent mission trips to Peru, South America. I was even able to visit legendary Machu Pichu.

I have been in vocational ministry for nearly 50 years. I taught at Moody Bible Institute Spokane for 18 years as an adjunct prof, teaching 18 different courses. In 4 of the 6 churches where we have served, I taught high school classes and served as administrator of Plymouth Baptist Academy.

My favorite subjects to teach are Bible and Science. In high school, my favorite subject (I know this is weird) was English. I also enjoyed Pre-Engineering.

Through Eagle Summit Ministry, we have also served pastors and leaders of small and rural churches for the past 21 years. As part of this ministry, my wooden headed partner Arnold assists along with Fernando and other animated friends. Arnold and friends were offered a contract at Silverwood nearly 30 years ago when we first moved here, but they decided not to take the offer.

I collect postage stamps, all things Volkswagen (Bugs and Busses) and anything eagle.